
Out of Town Patients – Fort Myers Plastic Surgeon


At the Fort Myers plastic surgery office of Dr. Robert V. Mandraccia, we welcome patients from all locations. With years of professional experience, a top-of-line surgery facility, and competitive financial options, all in addition to being located in a beautiful recovery destination, we have performed our services for a significant number of out-of-state patients.

Scheduling Your Plastic Surgery Procedure

For out of town patients, we begin the consultation process over the phone. During this initial call, we can give you the detailed information you need to make an informed decision about which procedure is right for you and when you should have it performed.

When you are ready to travel to our office, we will schedule an in-person consultation to ensure everything we’ve discussed remotely is still relevant, and then we will move forward with scheduling your actual procedure.

The best way for us to accommodate your scheduling preferences is to begin the consultation process a few weeks prior to the time when you actually want to undergo surgery. Some procedures do require more advanced notice than others, and our friendly team of staff will advise you accordingly.

Planning Your Visit

When you travel to our Fort Myers plastic surgery office, we go above and beyond to ensure your needs are met.  We are happy to assist with transportation arrangements and we can also provide recommendations for accommodation and dining, particularly with regard to discretion and privacy.

We do work with various hotels and resorts to get special discounts, but we find that with so many beautiful, beach-front options to choose from, the majority of our out-of-town patients enjoy choosing their own recovery destination.

Most of our procedures require roughly a one-week visit. Depending on the type of procedure performed, the recovery period is generally 5 to 7 days including follow-up visits.

Prior to making travel arrangements, Dr. Mandraccia will provide you with all of the information you need to plan your stay accordingly.

If you are an out-of-town patient seeking the talent and expertise of a board-certified plastic surgeon and you would like to know more about our Fort Myers plastic surgery practice, please call (239) 443-4633 today.